Saturday, March 29, 2008

Chrysler sales of KreditForderungen could be postponed - WSJ

New York ( — demand for the sales of $4 billion in the loans, which are bound Cerberus to the purchase by tangible assets of Chrysler, was weakly and probably, barrier the Street journal was postponed, Monday is reported. A small part of sale of KreditForderungen could be formed this week, which journal, which was said and a nameless source to estimate, which was instructed on the affair, but a locking decision not until Tuesday is expected. However if the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, even a partial acquisition, which this week looks “increasingly improbably,” the journal said. Banks to offer for of of $10B in Chrysler the debt

Insurers Chryslers close J.P. Morgan Chase (diagrams, fortune 500), Citigroup (diagrams, fortune 500), Goldman Sachs group (diagrams, fortune 500), Morgan Stanley (diagrams, fortune 500) and bear of the Stearns also (diagrams, fortune 500). $6 billion in the loans, which were referred to arm finance Chryslers, in July were sold. Purchase Chrysler Cerberus ‘ was a part of a Einkaufsbummels, the acquisition of the contained last yearly of GMAC, finance the arm of general of engine (diagrams, fortune 500), before the new credit market business decrease.

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