BEIJING - carrier sales of the Fords China rose 30 in last year, if die entire sales are loaded by die popularity, its focus model, UNITED STATES automaker percent said in a statement Wednesday Die total illustration of 216.324 carriers closes sales of all Ford possessed marks in the country - Ford, Lincoln, Volvo, Jaguar and Land-Vagabund - in and was driven to statement by sales of the focus and the introduction of the S-MAX into March and Mondeo in November, said. Focus sales rose 57, which is percent to 124,972 units in 2007. It war in China last year, statement said the fastest increasing intermediary-sorted car. Mondeo of sales hit 14,845 units in China in the fair six weeks on market. “We will with our growth in China,” said Mei Wei Cheng, chairman and CEO of ford motor fallen (nyse: F -
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people ) (China) Ltd.. “We drives too invest into China fort and extends our enterprises to prepare for the die following phase our the strategic growth program.” ford motor CO and its to joint venture partner three carrier assembly plants leave and a engine manufacturing enterprise in China. Ford the enterprises China also in include one company automobile financing, a Nanjing created occurrence and research and development a center and extensive sales and car joint venture of the passenger of the service enterprises Fords in China, Changan Ford Mazda run (other otc: MZDAF.PK -
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people ) Automobile CO, communicated one percent increase 60 in the wholesale deliveries to 217,100 carriers in 2007, company said. Changan Ford produces Ford, Volvo and Mazda carriers for the Chinese market. First Chinese established car Ford passenger, ford fiesta, in China the 2003 was introduced. Copyright 2007 connected Press. All rights reserve This material may published transmission not its, again written or again-distribute
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